How it works image

Our Workload Placement Methodology: Finding the perfect home for your problematic workloads

Not all workloads are created equal – and they shouldn't be treated as such. Our unique Workload Placement Methodology recognises and respects the distinctive characteristics of your IT demands. It's about finding the perfect home for each of your workloads – one that complements its unique requirements and enhances its potential.

We believe in simplifying the complex. 

That's why we've developed a straightforward framework to swiftly assess each workload:

Requirements: The Foundation 

Is public cloud the best fit, or should you stay on-premises? It all boils down to these key questions:

  • Status: Is this a new workload, legacy, or somewhere in between?
  • Specifications: We dive deep into the workload's DNA – size, speed, latency, licensing models, security needs, uptime requirements, and SLAs.
  • Budget: What's your financial framework? Are you looking at CapEx or OpEx spending?
Connect and Protect: The Lifelines 

Connectivity is the lifeblood of any system, and protection can make or break your options:

  • Coexistence: Is this a standalone star or a team player? Does it need to interact with multiple systems or face the wild west of the internet?
  • Security: We start with your organisation's security baseline, then tailor protection levels to each workload's specific needs and potential threats.
  • Compliance: Often overlooked but never underappreciated. We ensure your regulatory requirements are baked into the solution from day one.
Management: The Operational Heartbeat

As operating models evolve, so do the best practices for each workload:

  • Managed: Want us to take the reins? We'll define clear SLAs and deliver peace of mind.
  • Unmanaged: Prefer to do it yourself? No problem – we'll set you up for success.
  • Hybrid: Embracing the growing trend of shared responsibility? We'll find the perfect balance of support and autonomy.