
Managed Anti-Malware

Comprehensive protection against malicious software with real-time threat detection, prevention, and automated remediation

Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR)

Comprehensive protection against Cyber Threats including threat detection malware and application control


Real-time protection against attack ensuring availability and performance

Managed Cloud Firewall

Firewall solutions combining advanced security technologies and expert management providing protection for infrastructure, applications, and data

Identity Management Services

Secure and streamline access with integrated identity solutions, including Single Sign-On (SSO), Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), and VPN access control


Real-time monitoring and protection to detect and block potentially suspicious or harmful activity


Aggregation and analysis of event and security logs providing real-time insight for threat detection and compliance

Web Protect

Protection against cyber threats for websites and applications

Secure DNS

Protection against DNS based security threats such as DNS hijacking, DNS cache poisoning, and DNS tunnelling attacks

Reverse Proxy

Gateway providing enhanced security and performance for internet facing applications